Learn Equine Bowen Therapy
Lorraine is involved with assisting her mentor, Liz Bridger, teach others Equine Bowen Therapy.
The College of Equine Bowen (Liz Bridger) (link: (5) Facebook) is the only college in the country teaching Equine Bowen. Based on the Surrey/West Sussex border the course teaches conformation, static and dynamic assessment of horses and the theory and practice of Equine Bowen Therapy.
Expert talks on farriery/trimming, dentistry, saddlery and equine fascial lines are included over the duration of the course.
There is a prerequisite of having started human Bowen therapy and you would need to have completed your human qualification before a diploma will be awarded for the treatment of horses.
Existing Equine Bowen Therapists or other equine professionals can join us for continued professional development days.